September 6, 2008

Wild Life - Part I

These guys often come visit me in the field behind our house. Okay, maybe they are there to graze on the alfalfa growing in that same field, but I like to think they are there just to see me. Forgive my pathetic camera if you can't tell that they are... a herd of mountain goats. They are the closest I will ever get to owning a real goat, because D is adamant that our neighbors already have to put up with enough wildlife living at our house.

Anyway, when these guys show up it drives our dog out of her mind. She doesn't understand why they just stand there and stare at her when she starts baying at them with a look that says "You can't be serious fatso," unlike the deer who haul ass out of there as soon as she starts in. Again my apologies for the terrible photos, but she is literally leaping up and down at the sight of these guys having their afternoon snack courtesy of Farmer Joe and his allergy, I mean alfalfa, patch.

This was the best I image I could get of her racing up and down the fence line trying to get some, hell ANY, kind of reaction.

This is the same dog who believes it is her duty to protect her family unit from the pizza delivery guy, the boy scouts and any other unsuspecting visitor to our home.... from the SAFETY OF THE COUCH. In addition, Heaven help any 12 inch-high fluffy little dog that comes strutting along the path behind our house, they get an ear full of mindless barking coming through the screen of the back window.
I know I personally feel safer with the comfort of having her around to protect me from the big bad goats and poodles that troll our neighborhood.

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